
Imagen de farb4401
  • Juegos Jugados: 2001
  • Total de Victorias: 1,565,758,229.00
  • Compra Promedio: 1,371,272.86
  • Comprar más grande: 250,000,000.00
  • % ITM: 8,8
  • Ganancia Total: -1,178,158,771.00
  • Ganancia Promedio: -588,784.99
  • % ROI Promedio: -42,94
Resultados por # de Juegos Jugados
Resultados por Fecha (Línea)
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Juego Juegos Jugados Ganancia Promedio % ROI Promedio Ganancia Total Comprar % ITM Victorias/Derrotas
1M Big Stack50M Chips Guaranteed 107 -942,009.35 -94,2 -100,795,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,87 2/105
Play Money No Limit Omaha (50K) 96 26,093.75 52,19 2,505,000.00 50,000.00 19,79 19/77
250K Big Stack50M Chips Guaranteed 95 -100,326.32 -40,13 -9,531,000.00 250,000.00 8,42 8/87
100K Big Stack50M Chips Guaranteed 81 -20,679.01 -20,68 -1,675,000.00 100,000.00 8,64 7/74
250K Big Stack 25M Chips Guaranteed 79 -205,113.92 -82,05 -16,204,000.00 250,000.00 7,59 6/73

Grandes Cobros Recientes

Terminado Torneo Comprar+Tarifa Escalafón Premio
09/16/2023 The Freezout 100M, 2B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 3/36 532,300,000.00
07/15/2017 Friday Flash 100M BubbleRush, 4B Chips Guaranteed 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 11/64 234,000,000.00
11/04/2014 20M Higher Roller: NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 18,000,000.00+2,000,000.00 1/60 178,400,000.00
01/22/2018 10M High Roller: NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 8,800,000.00+1,200,000.00 4/137 78,800,000.00
12/11/2021 Big 10M, 1B Chips Gtd 8,800,000.00+1,200,000.00 7/202 74,400,000.00

Últimos 10 Torneos de Poker

Terminado Torneo Comprar+Tarifa Escalafón Premio
06/30/2024 1M Sunday Billion NLHE, 1B Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 946/1141 0.00
05/05/2024 The Mini Freezeout 10M, 500M Chips Gtd 8,800,000.00+1,200,000.00 67/76 0.00
05/04/2024 The Spider 8M [8-Max], 200M Chips Gtd 7,040,000.00+960,000.00 25/36 0.00
05/04/2024 The Mini Freezeout 10M, 300M Chips Gtd 8,800,000.00+1,200,000.00 37/61 0.00
05/02/2024 The Mini Freezeout 10M, 500M Chips Gtd 8,800,000.00+1,200,000.00 57/71 0.00
04/21/2024 1M Sunday Billion NLHE, 1B Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 841/1204 0.00
03/24/2024 1M Sunday Billion NLHE, 1B Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 1239/1208 0.00
03/24/2024 The Destructor 10M [Total Progressive KO], 1B Chips Gtd 8,800,000.00+1,200,000.00 99/103 24,200,000.00
03/15/2024 The Tortoise 5M, 500M Chips Gtd 4,400,000.00+600,000.00 199/165 0.00
03/14/2024 The Mini Freezeout 10M, 500M Chips Gtd 8,800,000.00+1,200,000.00 47/87 0.00