Información del Torneo: 10 Seat Mini Scramble to the 2023 WSOP Main Event



NL Hold'em, Multi Table

Torneo Iniciado

junio 25, 2023 23:00



Tarifa de Compra

$500,00 + $25,00

Premio acumulado

1 BobfNebraska $10,000.00 21 BrockLesnar $0.00 41 Nemamprachy $0.00 61 patient0 $0.00 81 qbert3333 $0.00
2 pipedream16 $10,000.00 22 Royalflush24 $0.00 42 buckedbynan $0.00 62 Thebeesknees $0.00 82 CRISPR $0.00
3 obliprabu $10,000.00 23 ukissmyace $0.00 43 ChipVault $0.00 63 X69Podheiser $0.00 83 Diaper_money $0.00
4 JayLeno $10,000.00 24 COLDWARKID $0.00 44 gonzo495 $0.00 64 n3rds $0.00 84 thewholefunk $0.00
5 battenfield $10,000.00 25 labelfree $0.00 45 duckduck $0.00 65 KittyXoXo $0.00 85 yud10 $0.00
6 lsamayal $10,000.00 26 brudi_030 $0.00 46 katelin $0.00 66 ilosestackz $0.00 86 gomezhamburg $0.00
7 propjoe $10,000.00 27 NevarLucky $0.00 47 Flagrown321 $0.00 67 drawingdad $0.00 87 daycampkid $0.00
8 greenheart $10,000.00 28 SirKalsalot $0.00 48 Specialk333 $0.00 68 tszis $0.00 88 whatitdew $0.00
9 Corgasm $10,000.00 29 Riiight $0.00 49 jataroi $0.00 69 jaybangs $0.00 89 AvdSmoresCPA $0.00
10 DelightedTHC $10,000.00 30 Kings702 $0.00 50 8betfold $0.00 70 LuckySpewy1 $0.00 90 bdwinner $0.00
11 takeleschu $10,000.00 31 DustPistons $0.00 51 v4victoria $0.00 71 DustinWills $0.00 91 Kingfortune $0.00
12 YoelRomero $10,000.00 32 vegasowl $0.00 52 donkinchips2 $0.00 72 InMyHouse $0.00 92 Mc4chess $0.00
13 Taikan $10,000.00 33 pokerplayer3 $0.00 53 ForlorarDu $0.00 73 Callmelater $0.00 93 LosingPlay3r $0.00
14 blonde2020 $10,000.00 34 bIueberry $0.00 54 hunt_dizzle $0.00 74 bingobert $0.00 94 EmoVeganGuy $0.00
15 Victoria53 $10,000.00 35 saucebae $0.00 55 Turbo1 $0.00 75 Aulophobia $0.00 95 rickrosstheb $0.00
16 duckflush $10,000.00 36 tommyd100 $0.00 56 _Lilith_ $0.00 76 usurioustead $0.00 96 dbaba $0.00
17 sugarfish33 $10,000.00 37 letmezeeit $0.00 57 THE_SCUM $0.00 77 staterfan11 $0.00 97 SlaweelRyam $0.00
18 M94Nasty $5,500.00 38 Flawlessbink $0.00 58 nyjets23 $0.00 78 iStayon5 $0.00 98 Kalakalauka $0.00
19 jonessr $0.00 39 Foldless $0.00 59 gymikeyo $0.00 79 DryHeat $0.00 99 kfc_ski $0.00
20 Panoramic $0.00 40 Venus $0.00 60 TXSheriff $0.00 80 gancolino $0.00 100 jackpotchris $0.00